Chapel Downs Learning Vision
At Chapel Downs students achieve through quality provision, leadership, teaching and learning supported by effective governance.
Teaching as Inquiry is used to continually improve teaching practice and student achievement.
In Reading / Panui, Writing / Tuhituhi and Mathematics / Pangarau all students will be achieving at the ‘At’ or ‘Above’ levels of achievement as determined by the New Zealand Curriculum Reading and Writing Standards and the Mathematics Standards.
NZC key competencies are delivered through the Chapel Downs Learner Dispositions
Including bicultural and multi-cultural aspects within the curriculum.
Provide learning support for our students with Non-English Speaking Backgrounds.
Inquiry based approach to learning is established and the approach supports students to demonstrate a high level of proficiency of the Chapel Downs Dispositions across all areas of school life.
E-learning supports an integrated approach to Inquiry based learning

Chapel Downs Community Vision
At Chapel Downs students achieve through strong engagement with our community
By promoting a strong welcoming environment were staff, students and learning community all feel welcome.
By fostering and strengthening learning partnership
By working to ensure all cultures are valued and respected within our multi cultural community
Reflecting Maori Culture
Our school reflects the unique position of the Maori culture by:-
Acknowledging the status of the Treaty of Waitangi.
Including aspects of Tikanga Maori in formal school occasions.
Using correct pronunciation of Maori names, place names, etc.
Reflecting the value of Maori culture within our school environment.
Tikanga Maori is an integral part of the learning culture.