Chapel Downs School is a large multi-cultured school with a long tradition of providing learning for life and ensuring that children are valued and supported to make effective choices.
ERO's Feedback about Chapel Downs Primary
"Chapel Downs School promotes student learning well. Students enjoy and engage in the learning process and benefit from high quality teaching. A settled and inclusive tone in the school supports the learning of all students. There is a focus on engaging the community in learning partnerships and in the life of the school"
ERO’s conclusion as follows :
• Students, staff and parents display a strong sense of pride in the school.
• Chapel Downs School is a caring and collaborative learning community
• There is a positive tone in the school that supports the learning of all students
• School achievement information shows that students make very good academic progress over their time at the school.
• Student enjoyment and engagement in learning is clearly evident.
• Classrooms are visually rich environments and settled places for learning.
• A unity of purpose is evident through the shared school vision and good working relationships between the board and school leaders.
Click on the link below to read the latest ERO Report in full.